3rd International Conference on Philosophical Counseling & Practice

January 15th & 16th, 2021


The National Philosophical Counseling Association (formerly the American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, and Psychotherapy) will be holding a virtual conference via Zoom on a variety of topics relevant to philosophical practice on January 15th & 16th, 2021. The 3rd International Conference on Philosophical Counseling & Practice will feature roughly 22 speakers.

Registeration: https://npcassoc.org/announcements/

Finalized schedule for each conference day to be posted on the same page.

Call for papers

The Ethics of Practicing Philosophy

Following the panel on the Professional Responsibility of a Philosophy Practitioner at ICPP 2020 and a number of follow-up discussions both throughout the conference and after, the participants of the panel have decided that this underexplored topic merits a proper industry-wide brainstorming, and one good way to initiate a serious structured deliberation on the topic would be to issue a call for papers for an anthology on the ethics of practicing philosophy, with a hope to secure a publisher (some ideas are already on the table) to turn it into a book.

This call for papers is an invitation for any interested practitioner of philosophy to submit a short abstract and a bio (in English, please) which could then be included into the book proposal. 

Please, submit your proposals (in English) by January 31, 2021 

More information: The Ethics of Practicing Philosophy :: ICPP2020